Embrace the Green Revolution: Unearthing the Benefits of Compost in Your Landscapes


Embrace the Green Revolution: Unearthing the Benefits of Compost in Your Landscapes

In the pursuit of sustainable landscaping practices, the use of compost is a shining star. Silver Creek Materials, a leading manufacturer of soil, compost, and aggregates, offers a range of organic compost products, including Zoo Poo 100% Organic Herbivore Compost and Enriched Organic Compost. These eco-friendly options not only benefit your garden but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable planet. Follow along to explore the various advantages of incorporating compost into your landscape.

Improved Soil Structure and Health

Compost is a powerhouse of nutrients, acting as a natural fertilizer that enhances soil structure and vitality. Its rich organic matter allows for better aeration and water retention. This improved soil health encourages robust root development and overall plant growth, leading to lusher, more vibrant landscapes.

Nutrient-Rich Food for Plants

Both Zoo Poo and Enriched Organic Compost provide essential nutrients that nourish your plants. Packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, among other vital elements, these compost products promote balanced growth, vibrant foliage, and bountiful blooms. By incorporating compost into your landscape, you reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers, fostering an organic environment and garden.

Enhanced Water Efficiency

Compost helps soil retain moisture. This means less frequent watering is required, resulting in significant water savings. In regions with water restrictions or dry climates, compost-amended soil proves invaluable in maintaining healthy landscapes with minimal environmental impact. This is a great benefit through our hot Texas summers. 

Weed Suppression

A layer of compost provides a natural barrier against weeds. By creating a dense, nutrient-rich environment for desired plants, compost helps suppress the growth of unwanted vegetation. This reduces the need for chemical herbicides, promoting a more environmentally-friendly approach to landscape maintenance.

Balanced pH Levels

Compost acts as a natural buffer, helping to stabilize soil pH levels. The ideal pH levels in a healthy compost are between 6-6.5. Soil pH has a dramatic effect on plant ability to uptake nutrients, so ensuring that your plants have an optimal pH environment will increase nutrient absorption and lead to a healthier, more resilient garden.

Supports Biodiversity

By using compost made from organic sources like Zoo Poo and Enriched Organic Compost, you contribute to a sustainable ecosystem. These compost products are made of recycled organic materials that would otherwise end up in local overflowing landfills, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy. Additionally, they encourage beneficial microbial activity in the soil, fostering a diverse and thriving underground ecosystem. Furthermore, Zoo Poo proceeds directly support 12 worldwide wildlife conservation efforts. 

Reduces Carbon Footprint

Composting diverts organic waste from landfills, where it would release harmful greenhouse gasses. By utilizing compost in your landscapes, you play a role in mitigating climate change and reducing your carbon footprint.

There is no doubt that incorporating compost into your landscapes is a powerful step towards sustainable, eco-friendly gardening practices. Silver Creek Materials offers top-quality compost options sourced from organic materials and designed to enhance the health and vitality of your landscape. By making this conscious choice, you not only benefit your garden but also contribute to a more sustainable, greener future for our planet. Embrace the green revolution and let your landscape thrive!



Mulch is a Must!

Why Do We Need Mulch?

  • Mulch works as insulation for the soil and provides protection from hot and cold temperatures.

  • Mulch retains water - reducing the amount of watering needed - and helps root systems stay healthy.

  • Mulch helps keep weeds out and minimizes competition of essential nutrients for plants.

  • Mulch decomposes over time and improves soil drainage as it breaks down.

  • Mulch helps prevent disease and provides protection from heavy rain.

  • Mulch adds a finished look to any landscape or container garden.

Proper Use of Mulch:

  1. Choose the RIGHT mulch!

    1. Silver Creek Materials mulches are made from North Texas native trees, 100% Cedar or Pine - Made in Texas for Texas Gardens.

  2. Purchase enough to cover the area!

    1. A beautiful garden starts with GREAT soil. However, mulch is the key to keeping your garden and landscaping lush and lively. Do not skimp! Use at least 3” in all landscape areas… This is one area where “more is better,” so why not use 4” instead.

  3. How often should you mulch?

    1. Mulch in the early spring and again in the fall. This will provide protection year round and keep your garden looking spectacular! With colors from Cedar and Native trees in Black Anvil, Saddle Brown, or Palo Duro Red finishes, you can change the look of your landscape anytime you want.

  4. Pull weeds prior to laying down mulch.

  5. Water after laying down mulch.

  6. Enjoy the colors of spring, summer, and fall throughout your landscape and container plants!



What The Fungus Is Growing In My Mulch?!

Mycelium is a fascinating, fantastic fungi that is beneficial to all landscapes. The thread-like material develops as an interwoven network, delivering nutrients to all living organisms in your landscape. 

At initial glance, one might mistake the marvelous matter for mold. Do not fear! Mycelium creates oxygen in your flowerbeds, supports soil structure and has shown the remarkable ability to reduce toxins through a process called mycoremediation. 

Robert Dow, President and Founder of Silver Creek Materials, loves to see mycelium throughout his flourishing garden. He shares, “I have this mycelium abundantly growing just between the soil and the Silver Creek Saddle Brown mulch. Not only is it beneficial to the plants, it is also gradually breaking down the mulch into compost and feeding the earthworms. Go mycelium!” 

If your mycelium networks become offensive to the eye, simply till the soil or mulch and expose the product to sunshine. Otherwise, let mycelium work its magic. Soon your garden will be producing the juiciest fruits and biggest vegetables in the neighborhood!


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Now Is The Time To Fertilize!

Silver Creek Materials is here to assist you with all of your fertilizer and landscape needs. 

100% Organic Texas Special: a well-rounded slow release fertilizer, made of alfalfa, beneficial rhizosphere bacteria, soybean meal, seaweed and molasses. It is easy to spread and is safe to use in your garden and around your pets. One bag covers about 4000 sq. ft.  

Texas Legend 28-3-10: a 50% slow release fertilizer with iron that is great for all Texas lawns. One bag covers about 14,000 sq. ft.

Quick Green 21-0-0: For fast green-up, use Quick Green 21-0-0 synthetic fertilizer and have the greenest lawn on the block in just a few days. For an organic option, check out our Texas Grand Green Sand.

Sod Starter 9-18-9: Putting in a new lawn? Look no further for a great starter! Our Sod Starter 9-18-9 fertilizer will give your new sod or seed just what they need to get growing.

Prodiamine Pre-Emergent 0-0-7: Stop those pesky weeds before they have a chance to sprout with our Prodiamine Pre-Emergent 0-0-7!

Whether it’s a DIY project or you are a professional landscaper, we have the finest quality landscape, sand, gravel, and aggregate products in North Texas. Come on over for your soil, compost, mulch, aggregates, fertilizer, and landscaping tips. 

Need product advice? Bobby Spence, our friendly and knowledgeable retail manager, is available to answer your questions and provide tips on making your lawn and garden the most spectacular in the neighborhood. Contact him anytime at bspence@silvercreekmaterials.com.

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